Friday, December 28, 2007

A Year to Save My Life

Votre Vray – Your Truth, Your Way.

A Year to Save My Life

A Year to Save My Life is the working title for a memoir-in-progress by Mel. Edwards

The Good News:
Mel. Edwards, to the best of her knowledge, is not dying anytime soon.

The Reality:
She is, however, at a crossroads where she is trying to take back control of her physical and fiscal health, her mental and emotional strength and to allow her spiritual side to guide her life choices over her temperament.

About Mel:
Mel was born in Glens Falls, NY and has lived and worked in
New York, Arizona, Montana, Tennessee, and, currently, in Greenville County, SC.
She is a happily married bunny mama (to Poppet and Foofer)
and is also a writer, professional storyteller, educator and has several creative hobbies.


Tell Votre Vray about your experiences in finding your “place” in the world!

Why you?
Why not!?!
Mel. is an average, everyday American. She is the first person in her family history to go to college and to hold a professional certification. She owes a mortgage, credit card debt and student loans like many Americans. Although she’s a trained yoga teacher and has a strong personal spiritual faith, she’s still overweight, out of shape, unmotivated to exercise when she’s already worked a ten hour day (or more) and the girl just needs a hand up! Mel. knows for certain that she is not alone and she wants this memoir to be available to women who are in the same emotional, mental, spiritual and physical place.

Please see the Call for Letters for details and submit your 2¢ today! Who knows, you may get to see your name in print! Remember, every opinion counts and Mel can’t do it alone.

Thank you!
-Ms. Mel. Edwards

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