Saturday, April 12, 2008

TRAM: Marjory Wentworth workshop

Call it luck, synergy or Divine Intervention, but on Friday night I attended a poetry reading at a cafe in Traveler's Rest given by Marjory Wentworth, our state poet laureate. While I was there, it was announced she was giving a FREE workshop on Saturday for two hours. So, I cancelled my plans for Saturday and signed up. What a gas!

The main thrust of the workshop was writing about stories you find in magazines, newspapers, etc. that just catch your mind in a spin. Marjory brought her file and we looked. I found in the pile our local library's ad for a teen event -- not related to reading or libraries at all, but toward environmentally-related crafts: making floor mats out of plastic shopping sacks. It struck me funny that no reading was promoted in the advertisement. I then brainstormed and thought of all the times people have been hushed in the library. I combined that silence with all the things we as adults don't talk to teens about even when all the information is right there under our noses. Below is the poem I came up with:

Trash Bag Floor Mats
by Mel. Edwards

Conformityville Library:Calling All Teens!
Create kitschy quirky foundation
to combat global strangulation!


Shop on
and drop
crunchy carpet for
park pavers and
football field.

Fashionable obfuscation found.

So sad.
Sam Walton’s shop
switched those sea-tone sacks.
Cement County seeks coastal view.

Free use with author credit given.
© 2008. Mel Edwards

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