Thursday, July 24, 2008

Support Votre Vray Artists!!!

If you see an article to an artist you're interested in, go to their site. Buy their work. Become their best advocate and post comments here....but DON'T STOP there!

If you're a friend or family member of a Votre Vray creative woman, please read the articles and see the work of the other artists. We're not competitors here. You can love the work of several artists, even in the same medium, and not be disloyal to the one artist you came to see because you already knew her or her work.

Votre Vray can only be a success if you reach out to each other, tell everyone you know about the artists here, and about my work to be an arts advocate. Kudos are great, but in the words of Carla Sanders, the sincerest form of appreciation is when someone pulls out their checkbook.

Also, if you are interested in buying work or seeing more work from any of these artists, please visit their links directly. I don't make a single red cent in promoting anyone here. The artist make the money when you visit them and buy from them directly.

Thank you again for your patronage, and please:

1. Tell 10 people today about Votre Vray
2. Subscribe to this blog
3. If you want art, buy something from one of the wonderful women who've been profiled here, or whose links appear on this page.
4. Create your own art for your own pleasure, or to share, and join the Votre Vray family!
5. Put a link to Votre Vray on your blog or website.

Keep creating!

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